Global Gandhi

Online Submission Guidelines



 Submission Guidelines for Authors

1. Eligibility and Processing of Submission

Submissions are to be emailed to the Editorial Board of Global Gandhi 

The journal accepts unpublished Academic Papers / Articles and other entries like Perspectives, Interesting Reads and Book Reviews focusing on the life and mission of Mahatma Gandhi and his writings, as well as contributions dealing with contemporary issues from a Gandhian perspective. 

The submitted paper or article is sent for blind peer review. If found satisfactory, after copy-editing, it would be included in the e-Journal.  The author is given due credit and duly acknowledged. It is understood that the Editorial Board of Global Gandhi e-Journal does not provide any monetary compensation for the works submitted. Currently, the language of the e-Journal is English. It is hoped that, in future, provision would be made for publishing texts in Hindi.

2. Submission Guidelines for author

Articles submitted to Global Gandhi e-Journal must include:


■ the text of the article;

■ a short bio-bibliographical note about the author (not to exceed 10 lines), including the author’s e-mail address;

■ an abstract (no more than 600 words).


The Editorial Board undertakes to furnish the authors with a reply within one month of submission.


3. Formatting the Text of the Article

■ Language

In accordance with its current editorial policy, the journal publishes articles in English;


■ Length limitation

Approximately 4,000 to 5,000 words including excluding notes and bibliography.


■ Character fonts

Cambria, 14 point for the text, 12 point for the notes; justified.


■ Paragraphs

No indentation of the first line of any paragraph immediately following a heading; other paragraphs are to be indented 0.8 cm.


■ Article title

Title in lower case, 16 point, bold, centered.


■ Author’s name

Underneath the title of the paper in 12 point: author’s first name (lower case), last name (upper case) + author’s university or institution in italics on the line below.
Manoharan MOHANTY 

University of Delhi 


■ Headings

First level headings (example: 1.): in lower case, 12 point, bold, justified; new line for the body of the text that follows.

Second level headings (example: 1.1): in lower case, 11 point, italics, justified; new line for the body of the text that follows.

Third level headings (example: 1.1.1.): in lower case, 11 point, italics, justified; the body of the text that follows must be on the same line, separated from the heading by an em dash (—), with a space before and a space after the dash.

4. Citations

■ Ellipses
Ellipses are signaled with square brackets ([…]). If the beginning of the citation is missing, the first word following the brackets is not capitalized. If the end is missing, the period follows the brackets.

■ Short citations (less than three lines)
Short citations are to be included in the text in 11 point font and placed in English quotation marks (‘‘ ’’). For a citation within a citation, use single quote marks. English quotation marks can also be used for terms used in a figural sense, or for terms from which the author is disassociating himself or distancing himself (example: The theoretical “effervescence” of the author’s last book left everyone amazed).
Final punctuation comes after the closing quote marks. Example: She thinks it has “a charming allure”.

■ Long citations (more than three lines)
Long citations are in a separate block of text in 10-point Roman characters with no quotation marks.
Paragraph format: 0.8 cm indentation, left and right.

5. Notes

All notes should be footnotes (no endnotes).

In Cambria 12, justified and single-spaced. Notes should begin with a capital letter, preceded by a space. Always use the “insert footnote” function.


The note reference mark in the text should follow the closing quotation mark (if applicable) and precede any other punctuation.

6. Bibliographical References

■ In-text and footnote references

(Last name date). Or: Last name (date). Or: Last name (date, p.).
Example: The concept of universal values (Singh 2023). As Goodman (2023) puts it. As Singh (2023, p. 99) puts it.

In a note, when the reference is identical to the preceding note’s: Ibid.

When the reference is the same, but the page changes: (Ibid., p.).

In other cases, repeat: Last name (date, p.).

When referring to more than one page, use “pp.”.

■ Bibliographical List  

The bibliography is listed in alphabetical order by author, under the title “Bibliographical References“.

Since the journal attaches particular importance to properly referencing the existing literature, authors are expected to adhere to the following instructions on bibliographical references

1.The bibliography must be accurate: If in doubt, authors are strongly advised to check their bibliographical entries on the unified catalogues of standard library. 

2.The bibliography must consist of all references cited in the article and only those references; entries for texts not cited in the article will be deleted from the final bibliography.

To compile the bibliography:

  • Single- and joint-authorship works

Last name, First name (year of original publication), Title, Place of publication: Publishing company.

Last name, First name & Last name, First name (Eds., year), Title, Place of publication: Publishing company.

Example: SHANKAR-SINGH, Rama (2023) Towards Universal Values, New Delhi: Shubhi Publications.

Do not repeat the first and last name when citing from multiple works by the same author; use the em dash instead — with 1-cm indentation.
Example: BREGMAN, Rutger. & HARARI, Yuval, Noah (2020), Humankind – A Hopeful History, New Delhi: Bloomsbury Publishing. 

Always cite the original edition (even if it is foreign), followed by a semicolon and the edition used. In the case of a translation, add: English trans. Title, Place of publication: Publishing company, year.

In the case of a new edition, add the elements that have changed: new ed. [optionally Title, Place of publication: Publishing company], year.

  • Articles in collective works

Last name, First name (year), “Title of article”, in Last name (Ed.), Title, Place of publication: Publishing company, p.

  • Journal articles

Last name, First name (year), “Article title”, Title of journal, issue(s), pp.

7. Inserting Diagrams and Images

Visual material must be centered and separated from the text by two paragraph returns. Images must be no larger than 5000 pixels wide and no smaller than 600 pixels wide. Images must have a minimum definition of 300 dpi. As an author you need to ensure that you have secured the necessary reproduction rights.

Each visual material receives a number (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.), a title, and a legend. The number and the title are placed above the diagram or image; the legend is placed under the diagram or image.

The various factors described in this style sheet will be taken into account in the editorial board’s evaluation of the article. If the instructions are not adhered to, the article will be returned to the authors, who will be responsible for making the required changes.

As a rule, each text will be blind peer reviewed. The editorial team reserves the right to edit the formal aspects of the text.

Selection of Themes for the Half-yearly e-Journal 

Global Gandhi will provide the themes for its proposed issues. However, it is open to receiving suggestions from those wishing to submit articles or papers.

 Additional Features of the e-Journal 

Besides articles and papers, Global Gandhi would also welcome Book Reviews, Perspectives, Interesting Reads and Letters to the Editorial Board of varying lengths ranging from 800 words to 1,500 words.