– by Dr. Suman Khanna Aggarwal

The first edition of The Science of Peace, is sold out. The second edition is forthcoming soon. For a copy, email: cfn@shantisahyog.org
STATESMAN, 6 March 2020
A K Merchant, Chairperson, Sarvodaya Int’l Trust
It was a chance meeting with the author that led to discovering her latest work, “The Science of Peace.” Usually, when someone thinks of science it conjures up images of chemical reactions and white lab coats. Living in the present age is overwhelmed by what science and its offspring, technology, is doing to our lives. In her book, Dr. Suman Aggarwal observes the world through the lens of what Mahatma Gandhi accomplished to achieve India’s freedom from the yoke of colonial powers. As a practicing Gandhian and Founder President of, the Shanti Sahyog Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution, New Delhi, Dr. Aggarwal presents Mahatma Gandhi and his life as a conceptual framework that could prove the world the necessary wherewithal for establishing enduring peace among warring nation-states. The author’s highly perceptive diagnosis of conflicts and wars impels us to take a serious view of why nonviolence and a grounding in truth as far more transformative and effective than a reliance on force and militarism. The world has been held captive by powerful stakeholders who drive the military-industrial complex; it is high time for the world to make the desired paradigm shift and experience the fruits of peaceful living. There is no other alternative if humanity has to survive!
The writer is an independent scholar and researcher based in New Delhi.
LARA FOR FRED (Teachers for Peace, Sweden), July 2021
Göte Rudvall – Board Member, Swedish Teachers for Peace.
“The Science of Peace” by Professor Suman Khanna Aggarwal is an extraordinary work encompassing her extensive experience as a teacher, activist, and advocate for nonviolent conflict resolution. With a profound understanding of Gandhi’s life, philosophy, and social ideology, Aggarwal presents a self-help book that serves as both a guide for individuals seeking to engage in nonviolent actions and a valuable resource for peace and conflict resolution courses. Drawing inspiration from Gandhi’s powerful words, she emphasizes the law of nonviolence as the law of love, highlighting successful nonviolent movements such as Martin Luther King’s fight for civil rights in the United States. Aggarwal explores Gandhi’s concept of ahimsa, extending beyond non-killing to encompass all nonviolent methods rooted in universal love. The book sheds light on the formation of Gandhi’s Peace Army, the Shanti Sena, which intervened in conflict situations to prevent violence and riots. Furthermore, Aggarwal puts forward her proposal, urging nation-states and the United Nations to make nonviolent defense mandatory alongside military defense, offering young people the choice to receive training in nonviolent defense, and giving citizens the option to contribute taxes to nonviolent defense efforts. With her visionary initiative and establishment of the Shanti Sahyog Center for Nonviolence, Aggarwal advocates for a world beyond violence and war, promoting nonviolent conflict resolution in all spheres of life and striving for global peace.
Uniting for Peace Journal, April 2023
Vijay Mehta, Author – How Not to Go To War
As a reader, I found Dr. Suman Khanna Aggarwal’s book, ‘The Science of Peace,’ to be a compelling exploration of nonviolence to solve conflicts at various levels. The book emphasizes the importance of understanding different forms of violence, the devastating consequences of war, and the need for conflict prevention. It delves into the principles of nonviolence as a scientific approach and highlights Gandhi’s influential concept of Satyagraha. The book also discusses the shift towards citizen empowerment and embracing humane values for peaceful coexistence. It serves as a timely reminder of the relevance of Gandhi’s teachings and the potential of nonviolence to heal our world today.
The Education
Arvind Passey, Editor, The Education
I found Dr. Suman Khanna Aggarwal’s book “The Science of Peace” thought-provoking and enlightening as a reader. The author’s deep understanding of Gandhian thought, and nonviolence is evident throughout the book. It explores the complexities of conflict, violence, and war while emphasizing the transformative power of nonviolence and truth. The book delves into the concept of satyagraha and examines different power paradigms in today’s world. It offers practical tools and strategies for individual and systemic change, encouraging readers to replace mistrust and aggression with trust and love. While some aspects, like ecological examples, could have been further developed, the book serves as a valuable reminder of the relevance and inspiration of Gandhi’s teachings. Each reading provides new insights, making it a book worth revisiting.
The New Learn, July 2021
Prof. Amman Madan, Azim Premji University, Bangalore
In a world where digital screens and casual comments can easily provoke anger and division, “The Science of Peace” by Dr. Suman Khanna Aggarwal is a timely reminder of the ancient Indian approach to confronting evil with firmness and love. This thought-provoking book introduces the essence of Gandhian nonviolence, shedding light on the forgotten power of love and social solidarity as driving forces behind social and political change. Aggarwal presents nonviolence as a scientific discipline, emphasizing its applicability in solving human problems and advocating for its inclusion in education. Aggarwal envisions a future where justice is achieved through human affection and respect by creating a banality of nonviolence, akin to the pervasiveness of nonviolence. This cogent introduction to Gandhian nonviolence calls readers to embrace love as a transformative force and paves the way for a more peaceful and just society.
KHOJ, Gandhi Research Foundation, 2020
Prof. Gita Dharampal – Dean of Research, Gandhi Research Foundation (GRF), Maharashtra
“Dr. Aggarwal, with great lucidity, delineates how nonviolence, as practiced and conceived as a science by Gandhi, constitutes an indomitable force, providing viable solutions towards resolving societal tensions, thereby eschewing violence, and negotiating peaceful political alternatives to engaging in destructive warfare.
She is to be congratulated for this innovative contribution towards revitalizing Gandhiana. It is hoped that reading The Science of Peace will inspire the young generation not only to become custodians of true nonviolent democracy but also to render them capable of assuming a trusteeship of the future.”
GANDHI MARG QUARTERLY , 20 September 2020
John S Moolakattu , Editor Gandhi Marg
“The Science of Peace” by Dr. Suman Khanna Aggarwal is an original and enlightening exploration of Gandhi’s belief that politics and transformative change should be approached as scientific subjects. The book is divided into four sections, delving into the meanings of conflict, violence, and war, the science and practice of nonviolence, the Gandhian method of satyagraha, and the concept of people’s power. With the inclusion of pictorial illustrations, the author effectively enhances comprehension. The personal touch of sharing her own experiences in organizing nonviolence workshops adds depth to the narrative. While the book covers a vast range of topics, it is particularly beneficial for students, offering bullet-format material that facilitates note-taking.
John Chathanatt, SJ
In “The Science of Peace” readers are guided through Gandhi’s unique approach to finding inner serenity and achieving peaceful living. The book explores the scientific basis and systematic methodology behind Gandhi’s thoughts, presenting a practical path to peaceful coexistence despite prevailing conflicts. By advocating Gandhi as a role model and emphasizing the transformative power of truth and nonviolence, the author empowers readers to connect with others harmoniously, making this work an essential resource in the pursuit of peace-building.
Deborah Morrison, Canadian Author, and Life Coach
With Dr. Suman Khanna Aggarwal’s extensive background in Gandhian thought and nonviolent conflict resolution, she eloquently presents peace as a scientific concept. The book takes readers on a personal journey, acting as a wise coach to deepen their understanding of Gandhi’s philosophy and its practical application in daily life. Dr. Aggarwal skilfully provides practical tools, effective tips, and powerful strategies for individual and systemic changes, enabling readers to take concrete steps towards peace. This book offers an urgent and much-needed plan for humanity, empowering us to create a more peaceful world.
– About the Author
A former Professor of Philosophy at Delhi University, India, Suman Khanna Aggarwal, obtained her Ph.D. in Gandhian Philosophy in 1978 and went on to do 3 Post-Doctoral Research Projects in India (1984), Sweden (1987-88) & Canada (1990-91).
In 1992, she founded the Gandhian NGO – Shanti Sahyog, which works in 17 South Delhi slums & in Tughlakabad Village, New Delhi, providing Quality Education, Healthcare, Vocational Training, & Legal Aid to the underprivileged – including Domestic Violence Victims. In 2018, she set up the Shanti Sahyog Centre for Nonviolence to promote Gandhi’s legacy of Nonviolent Conflict Resolution and Vision of a World Beyond War.